Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My "Parents"

Krista and Gerrit-Jan are my temporary parents during my time in Amsterdam. Technically they're a little young to be my parents, good thing I have older ones at home! This married couple lives next door to the community house and watch over 40 crazy 20-somethings. . . what a task! They are very welcoming, hospitable, and helpful - it's great to have them here. The day that I arrived Krista was waiting for me at the house to give me a tour and familiarize me with the ins and outs of life here. What a blessing! The first thing she did was sit down with me, offer me something to drink, and help me feel comfortable - it worked! Krista and Gerrit-Jan have an office in our house and are so willing to serve us - whether it be attaching a bell to my bike or taking a moment to chat, whatever the case it is always special to have someone with a little bit of authority to go to. Also, they join in on community events - such as movie discussion nights and small group meetings - from time to time. They have been serving with Tot Heil des Volks for two years now but, sadly,in a couple of weeks they will be moving on to a more "normal" lifestyle. So, the organization is in the process of hiring us new parents (imagine being able to do that in real life! Not that I would of course. . .) - these new parents will have some big shoes to fill but I am excited to see who the Lord will bring and know that He will continue to bless Gerrit-Jan and Krista as they prepare to move on from here.


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to KNOW that God never had, doesn't need and never will have a 'Plan B', Arijaan?
Love, Ruth and Elmer


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