Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Who Killed Butler Ryan??

For the outreach event this Friday night my small group planned a game of Clue, a murder mystery that the guests had to solve. The mystery at hand was to discover how Butler Ryan died. Here he lies in the shed after he gave a very convincing scream to draw all the participants to the scene of the crime:
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After seeing this the guests were instructed to visit various areas and inhabitants of the "mansion" (also known at Shelter Jordan!) in order to discover what happened. Anne played the maid in the bathroom, Mike played the professor in the library (Bible discussion room), Timo played the gardener in the patio, Jessica played the cook in our kitchen, and last but not least Bettina played the proper lady in the parlor (the cafe). We had four groups consisting of a mixture of guests and staff that moved from character to character - asking questions and getting clues to solve the mystery. Here sits our proper lady, Bettina - she acted out her role so well!
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We ended the game by having the four group fill in a "police report" about what happened to the butler, giving a defense as to how they solved the crime. Then I shared with everyone what actually happened, a complicated story that ends with Butler Ryan drinking a glass full of bleach instead of water - an accidental death! One group came very close to the correct answer and we awarded them a little prize. After this Tom gave a little talk about how we are all seeking for the truth and that as Christians we believe that there is one truth that can be discovered - even though this world will provide many clues to lead people down the wrong path, which certainly happened during this game, the truth is always out there. Jesus said, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"(Matthew 7:7). First we have to take the initiative - asking, seeking, and knocking are action words - but it is only the Lord who will allow us to find, only He can open the door to fullness of life with Him. What a sweet way to end a fun night!


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Yeo said...

She kinda looks like a strict proper lady lol. Strict isn't the word that I would really like to use, but I find this picture very amusing!!

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How inventive you all are to come up with such fun things for the guests to engage in. Despite the deniing part off all the people on staff, you really use your talents and enthousiasm to make the most of it.
Under the Lord's guidance: "Keep it Up!"

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

ive never played clue. it always seemed so boring. (side note: this is coming from an avid scrabble player... but creating words on a board is SOOOO not boring! =)) but not so in this case! how entertaining!


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