Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Day at the Zoo!

Ah, to be a kid again - the zoo will never grow old! Today my cousin Margaretha came for a visit and we decided that it would be a perfect day for the zoo, the weather was absolutely perfect! We spent hours there, looking at everything - except, as would be expected by many who know me, I avoided the snakes like the plague! Here I am with the giraffes in the background:
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As we were walking around, and especially in the really cool aquarium, I was thinking about how amazing it is that there are so many diverse and unique animals on this earth - of course the zoo is just a small sample of what has been created! Also inside the zoo there was a Poofertjes Huis - definitely had to get some of those yummy tiny pancakes, now I'm motivated to try to make them again at home. They're so fun! I need a cool batter-dispenser like this guy has though:
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Margaretha and I also checked out Rembrant Plein and Dam Square - all in all a nice day in a busy city. I am very grateful that I live in the Jordan area - a more peaceful part of the city to call my home for these summer months!


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