Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ways to pray!

Okay, one last post for the day! And there's still so much more but I thought I needed to start somewhere. Read the other two new ones below for some of the latest info! My small group is leading the Shelter outreach event again this Friday night. The juice intake here is amazing - especially since it's been so hot. Juice comes in large boxes here and Anne knows how to make really cool little wallets from them once the box is empty. So in essense, our outreach event for the night will be to make these crafty little wallets. Anne is passionate about Guatemala and the people there - for this reason we are going to ask the guests that come to ake one for themselves and one to give back to Anne. She has been selling them for 2 Euros in order to raise money for clean water in that country. So, a service project in a sense - but an outreach as well. That's where I come in, I offered to do a little talk about the idea of taking something from "trash to treasure". God takes us as we are, even the parts that are garbage, and transforms us into a new creation when we come to trust in Jesus - perhaps n analogy to how we are taking an empty juice box, trash, and making it into something new, a treasure. Please, if you can provide any Bible verses or additional thoughts to help me out that would be amazing! It is my heart that my words would be clear and understandable for those who are not Christians. Also, Saturday night will be my first go at leading a "Bible Discussion", these happen nightly at 7:30. Pray for my time of preparation in choosing a topic and studying it for myself before I lay it on the table for others. Pray that many guests would come! Thank you so much for coming along side of me in what the Lord is doing here in Amsterdam (whether you are a Christian or not I am just grateful that you are interested!)- and of course keep me updated on what is happening in your corner of the world! Much love to you!


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can really sense the enthusiasm you all share for making a difference there in the Lord'way. It must be contageous and that's good! Praise God and may He continue to use and protect you all in many ways.

To add to Matt's idea from John 9, Jesus used many "trash" people to show the real meaning of the Gospel. The Samaritan woman, the Prodigal son, the Tax collector.

God bless,

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also check out the story on Zacchaeus in Luke 19. A lost tax collector who was sought by Christ and saved. It's sweet to hear about these opporunities you're getting. I'm sure the Holy Spirit will speak powerfully through you.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Yeo said...

You rock! Actually, I hope you are sleeping right now and now awake rockin' all over the cafe!!! Adios amiga!

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I told you yet how amazing you are?! Well you are amazing!! Seeing your smiling face in those pictures really makes me so happy to know that this is truly where God wanted you to be this summer(and seeing with you a bannana lets me know that all is definitely well!)
For your illustration how about 2Cor. 5:17. And maybe you can use the illustration of money being in the wallet also and how that's how Jesus is in us. That it is Jesus living within us and making us worth something...after all, he payed his life so that he can have us and that we can have him living in us, what would a wallet be without money, and what would we be without Jesus.(Gal. 2:20). Just some ideas for you. I am eager to see how it turns out.
God is soooo good!!

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

i think your idea about the trash/treasure metaphor is awesome. i hope your leading bible discussion goes well. did you find a topic?


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