Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Monday, June 26, 2006

Welcome to Amsterdam!

Yay - I have arrived! Everything has gone very smoothly! Traveling was really fun, I sat next to two high school graduates who will be traveling around Europe so I had a neat chance to invite them to Amsterdam and I think that I will see them in a couple of weeks. I also had the chance to get over my jet lag at my aunt and uncle's house which was very nice. Everywhere I look I see green and it's simply amazing - so maybe (?) it's been worth it that I haven't seen the sun in 2 out of the 3 days I've been here. If I don't see the sun shine soon, very soon, I might feel differently! I arrived at the community house, after a train and bus ride from Hoofddorp, at 4 and have been going nonstop since then - my head is spinning! So many new people, places, and things to learn. Everyone is very friendly - I am currently talking with a girl from Germany and another from Oregon. The house we live in is huge, I have three other roommates - from Holland, Texas, and New Zealand. Good combination I hope! Tomorrow I have my first work shift in the cafe of the youth hostel. I already ate dinner there tonight ("Mexican Oven Dish" - not quite the same as the authentic Mexican food I love!) so I got a feel for things there. Too bad the Dutch are out of the World Cup now but it's still really fun to watch the games in this city full of tourists! They have been showing the games on a big screen in the hostel which is a neat chance to hang out and form relationships with the guests. Well, time to get going - more people to meet and things to discover. Hopefully soon I will be able to figure out how to get pictures on the blog - the internet is slow here so we'll see about that! Pray for good rest and strength, God is so faithful and I am so thankful to be here. I hope to write again soon!

With Love, Arijaan


At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praying for you!

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jane!!! I am so glad to hear that you are donig well. The Lord is really looking out for you, I am glad all our prayers are being answered that everything goes well for you. Sounds like you are having a really good time, sorry it took me so long to respond my computer here is super slow too, it really makes me miss the high speed at college!! Well too bad you have not seen sun, but you actually might be lucky because it has been in the triple digets here almost unbrearble I mean we had a day with a high of 110! Anyway I have been keeping busy, these days tring to maintain the fast pase social life like in collge. The other night I went to a beach boys concert, and the next night I went to a "club" in Modesto, it was fun but very differnt from the LA clubs hahah. Well right now im in the process of preparing for the wedding, getting shoes and nails done and all that fun stuff, so thats whats been going on here. Well I will continue to pray for you that you keep doing well I know you will!!! Keep up the great attitude!
:) YOur best Friend Marlene!!!!!!!!!


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