Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup Mania!

I will never forget that I had this chance to experience the World Cup in Europe, there's nothing like it! Especially being at the hostel, it's such an international atmosphere as it is, so to add intense football/soccer games to that makes it even more festive! We showed every game on a big projection sceen in the cafe and it was a blast having representatives from each country present to cheer on their team. Here's what it looked like in the cafe on game nights:
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Of course, watching Italy beat France in a shoot-out was a sad way to end the final game, especially considering the head-butting action that occured earlier, all in all it was so cool to have the cafe packed with guests. I must agree with my dad that I am partially glad that Holland didn't get to the semifinals because I imagine that the city would go crazy but it's been so cool to be in this football-crazed city either way! I wonder if you had the time/desire to watch any of the games, I hope so!


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