Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Never before have I been in a place where so many changes take place! Many times in the past I found myself saying or thinking that I am someone who doesn't like lots of change and fluctuation in life but perhaps being here is helping (or forcing) me to get used to it?! In the hostel, for example, the typical guest stays about 2 nights - and often just 1 so therefore daily we see a huge stream of people coming and going. Also, a lot of changes happen in at the Willemsstraat staff house. In the six weeks that I have been here so many staff have come and gone - it makes me dizzy to think about it! In many ways this has been very cool because in both instances, at the hostel and house, I have had the opportunity to build relationships, though often brief, with so many people from so many walks of life. Ideally, I prefer long term connections with people but this is teaching me that any amount of time is valuable and sufficient enough to show that you love them in the way Christ does. So as two staff members, Jessica and Yeon Sun, leave tomorrow and as I just met a new staff member, Stephie from Germany, I will accept all these changes and learn to go with the flow of the fast-paced life here. There is so much peace in knowing that I serve a Lord who is never changing - has never changed and will never change. Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" - all else in life can change knowing that Christ remains, I pray that I will be able to say this in any situation and I pray the same for you!


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to KNOW that God ner had, never needs and never will have a 'Plan B' Arijaan?
Love, Ruth & Elmer


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