Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Friday, July 28, 2006

Coffee. . .

So, many of you know that I am a bad Dutch girl because I don't like to drink coffee or tea. I was told by some that this would change after I had been here a while so I thought it was time to give a little update on my progress! I had the chance to spend a Sunday with two very cool missionaries, Dar and Jim from America, who have been serving with the Assemblies of God church for many years - first in Belgium and now for two years, up to this point, in Amsterdam. After going to church with them, a group of us had a very nice lunch together at their house and Dar convinced me that Senseo coffee was different then any other coffee and that I had to try it. So, being a good sport - I loaded up on the milk and sugar and gave it a try:
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That is a face of uncertainty and hesitation as I was about to take my first sip. To Dar's dismay I did not find the coffee to be any more tasty then any other kind I had attempted to try. Little did I know that this experience was a practice round for the experience I would soon encounter. While visiting my Oma Bulk in Nieuw Vennep we went across the street to visit with her elderly neighbor. This very sweet, tiny woman comes outside with a tray of coffee cups and coffee. . .nothing else! I did not have the heart to ask her to go back inside and get me something else - I thought that would be too rude, so for the first time ever I drank my first full cup of coffee! Of course she pours me a very full cup, not leaving much room for the amount of milk and sugar I would have liked to dump into it to make it a little more bearable. . . but alas, I gulped it down - taking a bite of my cookie in between every sip. So, yes I survived but up to this point I am pretty confident that I will remain a bad Dutch girl and ask for Fanta, juice or water every time I can!


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my word, you look oh so natural with a coffee cup in your hands! Wasn't Senseo coffee just head and shoulders above the rest?!:-) Can't wait to be sipping some fanta with you while people watching on a canal so soon!
Much love,

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

in a dainty little tea cup too!!! =) i almost wish your pinky were sticking out, you know, to complete the sophisicated ambiance. =) i usually drink my coffee out of a cardboard cup!

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Arijaan, Here I am with my morning cup of coffee getting caught up reading your log. The ones on Corrie and Trust were exceptional. We had a 90th birthday party for Elmer, 90 people came, and have had a houseful of children ( 2 daughters & 5 grandchildren for 10 days)and grandchildren ever since. Been a wonderful time, but now it is quiet here again and I will enjoy geting caught up with your journals.
Our prayers are with you.
Love, Ruth and Elmer

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arijaan, that entry was hilarious! It's for the best you don't like coffee because then it becomes addicting and you end up paying $4 for mochas once a day like me (actually that's an exaggeration). :) Lauren


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