Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Monday, July 24, 2006

The One Month Mark!

It's really hard to believe I have been here for one month now! In some ways it strangely feels so much longer only for the fact that I adjusted here in no time at all. By about the second day I was feeling comfortable at the house and hostel - really a blessing and I think it has a lot to do with my understanding of the language and culture a little more then the typical American. And then, of course, it also feels as if I have been here much shorter than a month - scary because I have a feeling that the month of August may fly by just as quickly. I will have the chance to see 4 friends from college (Kelly, Tim, Bessie, and Lauren!) in the coming weeks, that will be great! As for today, I have a day off so I am heading to Nieuw Vennep to visit my Omas (grandmas) - should only take a half hour on the train, I am so ready to get a breather from the city and see some country-side. Then, I'll be back on time on Wednesday to lead the Bible Discussion. I haven't quite narrowed-down a topic yet and am remembering back to the last time I led and how it was a struggle not knowing who would be attending. Pray that God would give me wisdom as I prepare something that will challenge and encourage nonchrisitians and Christians alike. Or at least that there would be some sort of balance between the two! I'm going to finish packing a few things and then I'm off! I hope this finds you enjoying your summer!


At 8:24 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

how was the visit with your omas?


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