Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Small Group

Every Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10AM two small groups meet, one small group from the City and one from the Jordan. My small group, consisting of about 8 Jordan staff members, meets together on Tuesdays (the other half of the Jordan staff meets together on Thursdays) - we're starting in about 10 minutes so I thought I would take the chance to write about what small group time is like. Currently Tom, our staff from England (with quite the cool accent) is in the kitchen preparing breakfast. We have a small heart-shaped waffle-iron that I noticed he put to use this morning - yummy! Here's a picture I took of my group at the breakfast table last week:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Each week we take turns preparing the breakfast or leading the devotional time. After eating we sit down on the couches together and begin with a short devotion that someone planned. Last week was my turn and I shared a song called "Here I Go Again" by Casting Crowns as well as some passages from the Bible that applied to the content of the song. It was a sweet chance to challenge and encourage each other to speak boldly about our faith. After the devotional time we typically go around and share how the Lord has been working in our lives, any cool experiences in the past week, as well as prayer requests. We then spend time in prayer for each other - such a great way to build unity in the group. Also, one of the roles of the small group is to plan and execute the Friday outreach events (we lead it one week and then the other Jordan small group leads it the next). This is a chance to get creative and get the whole group involved in reaching out to the guests in a new way. So - this is a little about what small group is like and now I'm out of time. Breakfast is served!


At 10:05 AM, Blogger Yeo said...

At least I know I'll be able to stay really up-to-date on Amsterdam for the next couple of weeks! By the way, I didn't read that other blog until like 5 am as I was about to head out of the house.

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By 'Jordan' members, I am assuming you mean people, Christians, from Jordan. This is really getting to be a cross cultural experience! It is Christ Who calls us to be one.
Love, Ruth and Elmer

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Arijaan Bulk said...

Just for a little clarification, "Jordan" is the name of the hostel I serve at, the Shelter Jordan. It is called this because it is in the Jordaan (or Jordan) area of Amsterdam - named after a French guy with the last name meaning garden, which losely sounded like Jordan so that is what it is called today! Sadly, we do not have any people from the country of Jordan on our team. . . maybe one day?!


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