Arijaan's Adventures in Amsterdam!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jesus, the Great Physician!

Wow - something AMAZING just happened. . .but first a little background information. Every Monday and Wednesday the staff takes part in a Ministry Training Program (MTP). We meet for a 3 hour class, either in the morning or afternoon depending on when we have to work. The class topics vary a lot. Sometimes we are taught about very practical things concerning doing ministry at the Shelter - such as how to be a better cafe or receptionist worker. I have also received training in how prepare a Bible Discussion as well as how to stay spiritually sane while doing ministry here. The other half of the classes have been on more general topics that will always apply, regardless of where the Lord has me. We have studied other religions - these classes have been taught by professors at La Bri University (there is a branch in The Netherlands). We have also been led in several Bible studies - these past three weeks included Jesus teaching Nicodemus (and us!) about being born again, Jesus teaching the Samaritan woman at the well (and us!) about living water, and today: Jesus healing a man born blind (John 9). So, now that you are somewhat up to speed here comes the exciting part. First a disclaimer, I think that all of you know that I am a pretty rational girl and that I would not knowingly tell you things that aren't true - especially things that I have seen with my own eyes. After studying the passage in John 9, our teacher Martijn, asked us if we knew of people we could pray for to be healed of sicknesses. Several fellow staff members mentioned serious illnesses - a mom's kidney that is failing, a friend with cancer, a brother in a wheelchair. We also wanted to pray for one of the staff members, Bethany - a super sweet 17 year old girl from Canada, who burned her hand badly this morning. I was working at the reception desk, she in the cafe - making French Toast for the guests - and this is when she burned her hand. I saw it myself, it started blistering immediately and it was very red and painful for her. After her shift she went to the pharmacist who gave her a cream and told her she would have to use the cream 3 times a day for many days and that she would have to bandage it very carefully. Anyways, so at the end of class we also wanted to pray for her hand as well as all the other prayer requests that were mentioned. Sadly, we finished praying as a group and then realized that we forgot to pray for her! So, Maurice, one of the staff guys, said that we should all pray for her. After praying Ryan told her to take the bandage off and her blistered hand was completely healed - NO JOKE!! I know it's hard to have faith when you don't see this yourself but I saw it with my own eyes - the before and after - and it really happened! She was able to give Ryan a high-five with the hand that had been hurting minutes before. Thank you Lord that you have healed her! Give us more faith to believe that all power in Heaven and on earth belong to you - the power to heal us spiritually through the death of your Son as well as the power to heal us physically. You do all things to glorify yourself - thank you for glorifying yourself through this tiny but so wonderfully amazing miracle today! At the beginning of this class we talked about the verse where Jesus says, "But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his[the blind man's] life" (John 9:3). May you also acknowledge the work of God being displaying in your own life, through the good and the bad, through physical healing or no physical healing! Really, we have spiritual healing offered to us - what more do we truly need? Amen!!


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Praise God! This story is amazing, thank you so much for sharing it. Hearing of God's miracles always reminds me to have faith and pray for big things. well, i miss you tons and i can't wait to hang out.

love ya,

Jenn Lamb

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arijaan, this is just a wonderful testimony to our Jesus and His love! What a marvelous thing to be a part of.
Thanks for sharing this. See you soon.
Love, Ruth and Elmer


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